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Artist: Red76   
Exhibition: Special Reconnaissance
Date: November 09 2006 - January 19 2007
Curator: Dylan J. Gauthier
America is a nation founded on revolutionary action and thought, though today, do we really have any connection to what those notions mean, and what, if any, role we play within this revolutionary timeline?

With its project Encountering Revolution, the Portland, Oregon-based collaborative Red76 has set out to create a forum to discuss how we, in America, encounter revolution; within our everyday lives, as revolutionary/revelatory moments for one's self, as well as notions of encountering social revolutions, how we process them, and how they manifest themselves within the everyday.

Through a continuing series of dinners, walks, and maps (leading to locations wherein a revolutionary event occurred; however large or small, known or unknown, that event might have been) the group asks the public to join them in discussing how we encounter revolutionary notions within our daily lives - both personal, as well as social in nature - and asks the question, "what does revolution mean to America today?"

For more information: www.red76.com



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