September 09 2005 - October 22 2005
In celebrating their 25th anniversary, the culture jamming and collage group Negativland parodies the theme park, catapulting us into deconstructed attractions of the gallery as entertainment destination in the exhibition, Negativlandland.
Viewers will find appropriations of Disney ventures such as a reconfigured Lincoln from the Hall of Presidents, and a video remix of the Little Mermaid, merged with the angry telephone recording of a Disney studio executive. Anecdotes about the media and entertainment industries are expressed in such work as the discovery of Howland Island, and ideas of approaching stores such as Petco as an art supplies depot. Other work includes a set of limited edition prints from Negativlands 2002 Death Sentences project.
Also on view will be an unauthorized special edition of a U2 vs. Negativland ipod (version 2G), created by Francis Hwang. Hwang produced this modified ipod in commemoration of the 1991 lawsuit filed by U2's record label against Negativland and SST for the release of their album "U2." The first edition of this ipod was originally offered for sale on ebay in December of 2004, and was removed from the auction website six days after Apple Computer claimed that Hwang was violating Apple's intellectual property rights.
Curated by Lea Rekow:
Lea Rekow is the Founding Director of Gigantic ArtSpace.
opening night picture gallery
exhibition picture gallery
Participating Artitsts: